“Thank you for your extraordinary contribution to our healing space. The self empowerment offered by your direct and nurturing engagement brought deep and enduring awareness to the courageous souls present. Blessings Laura Mayer, for all your reverence you possess for the human spirit. Your influence is one of everlasting beauty.”

- Marinda Bowen, BSN. MS, Natural Law Apothecary, UT

 “My amazing Laura, this retreat was everything I needed and wanted. I found the answers to what was important for me to manifest my destiny and dreams. I love that you not only talk your talk but walk your walk! That is as true as true can be and I thank you from  my heart for helping me discover the same within. I am back home and want you to know I am having the most joyous day feeling  absolutely divine thanks to my new found essence of what you have instilled in me."

         ~Jessica, Boca, FLA

Laura—Thank you for all your assistance during the past year. You have been a delightful guide and been very helpful with deep insights on a number of my issues. As is sometimes the case, this started in one direction and has branched out considerably. I want to thank you for providing me with clarity in my life in many areas. I am truly grateful the universe brought us together.

~Robert, Scottsdale, AZ

My physician referred me to Laura because of my medical diagnosis of A.L.S. (and previous cancers) to support my healing journey. I have been so blessed by the experience.  Laura intuitively guided me to the area(s) in my childhood I needed to resolve and then helped me understand the importance of what I was experiencing. As I continued my healing, I learned to love myself. I have been blown away by it all.  It’s all about me and thus I am better all around.  I have experienced so many positive physical changes since our work began. Most importantly, I now have the courage to never give up and completely love and honor myself in a way I have never thought possible. As I shared with Laura, I wish I knew me sooner.

~ Kay, AZ


Laura Mayer
a doorway to heart
this is her skill
she teaches as an art
healing deeply
the pains that tie
beyond the mind
beyond the why

picture a time
when you felt so secure
in your heart
is a child who is dear
practicing patience
no interfere
letting Laura guide
to a way past fear

life is a journey
filled with choice
Laura can guide you
to an informed voice
one that allows
your spirit to fly
to be supported & loved
as you have a good cry

why Laura
above another
Laura uses unconditional love
as would a sister or brother
she gently encourages you
to be all you can be
& in this way
presents a doorway to free

~Jonathan, Sedona, AZ

"Laura Mayer skillfully and very quickly helped me hone in on a single moment in my past that was instrumental in keeping me stuck and small with regard to my financial health for at least 50 years! As she helped me navigate the excavation of the various aspects (guilt, fear, etc.) of this moment, I was able to stand up and face the old voices to let go of the influence they've had on me which was preventing me from stepping into my powerful truth of knowing who I am.As a result, I feel lighter and have made a pivotal decision about my new business that has unleashed a powerful wave of renewed vigor and creativity for growth in a direction I was previously afraid to take! Yahoo! Thanks so much Laura for your sensitive, capable facilitation of change within me!

-Kathryn, AZ

After only having that one session, I am already connecting the dots. Maybe they’re not really “dots”, but I do see a relationship between everything! The homework you gave me has been wonderful, too. I just wanted you to know how I was feeling, and I wanted to thank you. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and joining me on this journey! I can’t wait for our next session!


~Melinda, NC

My husband asked me this morning if he thinks our 6 months together have helped.  And I said they have brought me closer to ME.  I have a knowing within me that has been ignited, and ‘HOME’ WORK to continue with each day. I’m feeling emotional as I type this email…and I’m not holding back my feelings/my tears, for my 6 month journey with you, Laura has brought me home, and I am thankful to the universe for bringing me to you.

~Lisa M, New Zealand

Laura Mayer starts from a place of heart connectedness with those whom she works with.  This enables a sense of security and understanding which I believe is the key to unlocking the emotive keys to cellular memories.  Her empathy, compassion and honouring of the individual offers support on the journey.  She helps you show up and acknowledges the part of you who needs to heal for real as it happens.  Then encourages a new integrated wholeness in you to emerge.

~LB, Kinesiologist and Craniosacral Therapist, New Zealand

Laura’s spirit and grace immediately touched my terrified heart. Her support, generosity, wisdom and humor guide me to a deeper knowing and a deeper trust in my ability to transcend from decades of abuse and neglect.

~Linda Cooper, VA

How can I ever thank you enough, Laura, for walking alongside me on my journey, your genuine support and compassion and helping me to stay accountable to myself. For most of my life, I have felt misunderstood and believed I had to hide my rather bright light under a bushel, because I thought it was the only way for me to survive. “You’re too much!” was a broken record spinning in my head.  I even tried healing my wounded self on my own but it was excruciatingly slow and I was never sure if I was recognizing all the pieces.

Working with Laura has been the first time in my life that I have felt so ‘seen’ and completely accepted for all of me. Nothing to hide and never alone. I simply feel safe and supported while I gently encourage the frightened and confused little girl inside to unfold her strong, shiny angel wings and take her place beside me. I wish everyone could experience the difference that Laura makes in pulling together the wounded fragments and integrating a whole Self.  I am very grateful for the privilege of working with Laura to “coach my inner child to wellness”–thanks! You have been a lifesaver!

~Catherine Sauberan, R.N., Tucson, AZ

I am really intrigued by what you say and what I believe to be Universal truths about life and healing. Your story is very inspiring and gives hope to those who have or are suffering. God Bless you and your efforts to be so courageous. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing your healing experience and your book. I could feel your magnetic energy as you made hand gestures to pull out some unseen negative energy. What is interesting is that since that day my back pain had subsided tremendously.  It is always a joy and confirmation when we meet someone who is living and breathing what we believe in. I am so glad so many people have come to know your story and be inspired by it!

~Kirsten DeMelo, RN

I want to thank you for your time and talents! The work we did together catapulted my healing! After our deep, insightful, and meaningful sessions, I thought about the details of the insights every day as I continued my journey. I still and on my journey, but now I don't have to try and think about the work we did: The insights lead to more insights and now are a part of me. Thank you again!

-Dana Murphy, MI


Laura guided me and gave me the tools I needed to become aware of my patterns and drop them.  She put the power in my hands! I am so grateful that she chose to share her story, and I hope enough people will have the courage to drop their old story and write a new one. It’s so crucial for people to know that the power is in THEIR hands!  If we choose to hold onto our past, we’re going to continue to FEEL the burden of the past. Like me (and you), we chose to let go of the past and start a new beginning and take control.

~Tonya Casey, MA

Talking with you was a deeply touching experience and I am so grateful that you have come into my life, because of you each time I meditate and go deep inside, I am able to find that frightened and lonely child and give him the love and validation that he so desperately needs, I can reassure him and make him feel safe and cared for. Something I never knew I needed from my self.  As a result my heart feels lighter and free-er every day. I will continue this deep excavation until the foundation of my life reflects nothing but Joy & Love, You are truly an Angel, true to one of my favorite sayings ‘give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach him to fish and he will eat for a lifetime.’ You have taught me how to fish and I have but barely scratched the surface. Thank you SO much!

~Rafael Dones, MA

Last summer, I attended a drum circle at a spiritual retreat center. After the drumming ended, everyone was mingling, as we all enjoyed the resonating feeling of joy from the resultant increase in vibration. I was introduced to Laura, who spontaneously and gently took my hands, looked deep into my eyes and accurately revealed to me a repeating emotional experience from my childhood that, after 45 years I was no longer consciously aware of. This revelation was life changing. By becoming aware of this, feeling and re-experiencing it, and then lovingly releasing it, I am now free from the anxiety that had plagued me, on and off over the years. I feel like I have reconnected to the innocent child that lives within, that lightness of being and feeling of wonderment that children experience and live in has returned. My heart is now once again wide open, and my soul is free. Since this event, my spiritual progress and life path have merged closer and closer, and thanks to Laura, I am finally walking the walk of my soul purpose almost all of the time, a great accomplishment. And, even when I am not walking my walk, I am able to immediately become aware that I have strayed, and I can just step gently and gracefully back onto my divine path. I am liberated through remembrance, emancipated through awareness, and empowered through the true inner peace I have regained. Laura’s insights and healing restored my sense of purpose, re-connected me with my reason for being, and gave me the clarity I needed to rediscover my authentic self.

~Mark Collins, Westport Point, MA

Laura’s wisdom and compassion have been an integral component in my healing journey from an autoimmune disease.  Her knowledge in energetic healing allows her to be the conductor of the symphony which is my mind, body and spirit.  She orchestrates in such a way that will allow true harmony of my vibrational field, and clear my soul of negative karma.  Therefore, allowing me to write my own opus.  Come to the concert without fear. Be thankful for the opportunity to be introduced to your authentic self. It is time to truly feel awakened. Thank you Laura!

~Maria Lisa Uy, M.D. , ABIHM

Before Laura I lived by fear, after Laura I live by faith in light! I am another person, empowered by love with a strong heart, walking the pathway of life beautifully! I am thankful for life and for your work on me. I will carry it in my heart, in my life. Your work is in an initiation to life, to an awakening of life, to empowerment of my light, and so myself. It is freedom-it is life itself. Thank you for the honor, your patience, and most of all for love which, for me, is the biggest healer of all. Laura, one of the greatest healer I met in this life, who guided me to walk into the light and healing pathway. Her work was in an initiation to life, an awakening of life, to empowerment of my light, and so myself. It was a freedom-it is life itself. It is my honor having met you in this life as my healer! A lot of what we did is manifesting now! I can see your work manifesting in so many healing experiences I am living here in Brazil. Gratitude is my word to you.

~Gelza, Brazil, MD

Laura is truly an Earth Angel, talking to her is like having a direct connection to Source. She holds you in such a loving and honest energy that you cannot help but let her in and heal your inner child. Working with her was probably the most profound healing experience I have ever had, and I’ve definitely had my share. She is so connected, so clear, and yet so non-attached to her ego and your ‘story’ that she only sees your perfection, your beauty, and your Higher Self. She urges you to see the beauty inside, and with her help, you will not only see it, but you will bring it out for the world to enjoy. She will help you do the most powerful act that anyone on Earth can do: love yourself completely.

~Liz Borman, Berkeley, CA

It was no accident that I was seated next to Laura on a 4 hour flight from Denver to Washington DC.  She was just what I needed at this time in my life.  I was in a rut, not sure which direction to go, expecting a layoff – but not sure if/when it was going to happen.  We talked for the entire length of the flight – I learned of her remarkable story (can’t wait for her book to be released) and as we talked – I felt drawn to her and knew that I needed to make arrangements for a session.  Luckily we were staying only about 10 minutes from each other and I was able to meet with her a couple days later.  She helped me discover what was keeping me blocked and keeping me from moving forward with my life.  In the short month since I met her – my life has taken on a new direction and everything is falling into place…I couldn’t be more excited!  If you are searching for answers or just a nudge to get you moving in a new direction – I highly recommend Laura.

~Maria Vogeler, Denver, CO.

Our healing session with Laura was truly a life changing event.  What an AMAZING shift there has been!!!  It’s really phenomenal the work she helped my boyfriend and I accomplish.  We were both really blown away.  I can’t believe the shift, the learnings and the healing that has taken place when we saw her, as well as for several days after seeing her (and maybe more, its only been a couple of weeks).  We both feel like different people.  Laura is truly a GIFTED HEALER.  I have been in talk therapy for years, but I’ve never experienced anything this deeply healing.  I am quite sure I/we will be doing more work with her in the future.

~Tina, Palm Beach Gardens, FL

Laura is doing a really great job with her work and I am so happy to have met her. She knows exactly what needs to be done! She is a wonderful healer and I really recommend what she is doing-her work is a very powerful healing modality, deep and excellent.

~Nina, McLean, Virginia

I am truly amazed. I had had a problem with my foot for about fifteen years which was extremely painful. I could no longer walk barefoot and forget high heels as the sole of my foot was so inflamed. One session with Laura and less than six months later (in fact Laura said it would be within six months) my foot is back to normal. I am so grateful. Also as a bonus I have also quit smoking. We spent a few moments on smoking and three days later I smoked my last one. I was sceptical to say the least but now I am truly amazed. Thank you Laura.

~Margaret Islin, London, England

Last night I met Laura, a women who has cured herself from an incurable medical condition. She was diagnosed as a child, is now 50ish and has challenged the medical establishment for most her life. She looks fantastic, is writing a book…on health miracles. Just being in her presence healed parts of me…to see and touch what is a walking miracle changed the way my mind thinks. Now I really know…thru self-eyewitness, that healing miracles are PART OF REALITY…she stretched my reality…or zapped that part of my inner dialog that repeated the lies promoting ill health.

~John, Chappaqua, NY

Over the years, I found teachers and writings that spoke to my soul, but somehow I couldn’t seem to integrate the material on a deep enough level. I was clearly blocked, and none of the modalities I explored previously seemed to be of much help. When I found Laura and Soul Memory, I knew divine intervention was at work. And it didn’t arrive a moment too soon, for I had quite literally reached the do or die point. I had, for some time, began to feel myself contracting inside and I knew on a deep level I was giving up. With Laura as my guide, I have begun the process of removing the blocks to the awareness of my true self. There is still much work ahead for me, but Soul Memory has provided me with a new perspective and has opened many doors. It is my job now to walk through them. With the continued support of Laura and the process, I know I will find my way home at last.

~Kate, Santa Fe, NM

It is the healer in Laura that reminds me to embrace and share the healer within. As I sat down to do a session with Laura, this is how it unfolded for me. First we looked into one another’s eyes- I see you seeing through the façade of my body into the depths of my soul. I feel you. I experience the luminous warmth of your hands in mine. We share, we collaborate, we envision. Together we unite-we transform-we heal. As we honor this present moment we go from invisible to ‘all-seeing’ in an instant.

~Kimberly Scialdone, R.N. Pittsburgh, PA

For over 15 years I have been healing myself with the help of some amazing people. Recently, I met Laura Mayer and I was attracted to her warmth and enthusiasm. After hearing her healing story I knew on a deep level that Laura was the real deal and I immediately signed up for healing session. With her full, clear presence and dancing hands, Laura freed pieces of my soul so I could flow and soar. After doing my part to complete the healing session, I felt a deep, expansive peace. I am so excited about all the possibilities in my life. Thank you Laura!

- Rita Skelly. Santa Fe, NM

Laura’s loving, compassionate and direct approach to healing was the catalyst for me to embrace my inner child. Healing myself from the aspect of learning to love myself is amazing, and Laura has been right there with me all along. She is incredibly gifted and intuitive.

- Valerie Sargent, VA

I am very honored that Laura has asked me to contribute to her website. I take genuine pleasure to announce to all who will listen how pleasantly surprised I was by my experience with Laura. I have been on a spiritual path for several years, when I met Laura I knew without a shadow of doubt that our session was going to blow me away. And, indeed it did. Laura is an energetic and enthusiastic transformer. I knew I was safe with her on my return to my past lives. Due to Laura’s creative skills and outstanding abilities I do not hesitate to recommend her. My life has taken a dramatic turn and I have every confidence that Laura will have a positive effect on all who seek her guidance.

- Carolyn Cappello, NY

I was skeptical heading into my soul memory discovery session with Laura. However, I found the experience to be quite profound and revealing for me. I would encourage other skeptics to give it a try.

- Sam Shimer, Fund Manager

After only one session with Laura, the work gave me the support I needed to literally change the direction and the quality of my life.

- Carol Fitzpatrick, seer, spiritual activist and new paradigm community-builder

I’ve experienced Laura’s work and want to support her in getting others connected. She is gifted. Cut those cords from the past that entangle us!

- Helen Celestine, founder of Star Visions, Chappaqua, NY

My session with Laura was illuminating! Her gentle yet powerful way of accessing the energetics as well as her groundedness in clinical knowledge was a beautiful way for me to go inward and discover what I desired to unravel and learn from. Laura's own transformational journey gives her keen insight into supporting her client's growth and evolution. I highly recommend working with Laura!  

-Jane Ashley, Publisher, Flower of Life Press