I now recognize the distractions I have attracted in my life. It’s interesting, unbeknownst to us at the time, how we ask for distractions to slow us down, to give us breathing space as we forge forward on our spiritual journeys. The key is to identify what the distraction is and understand why it has been brought to us at that particular moment. I’m grateful for this clarity so in the future I will have a deeper knowing why I attract certain people and situations into my life. Everything we are presented with offers us a wonderful opportunity to learn and grow. Thank you Universe.
I recently experienced a monumental breakthrough when I released an old pattern that I wasn’t even aware of-at least not in this context. A couple of weeks ago I was questioning a recurring pattern of behavior in my relationships. It was then that I recognized I had been living out the legacy my biological father left me. You see, my biological father passed when I was three years old and for most of my life I held onto the illusion that if he were alive I would be safe, loved and cherished. I kept this illusion alive in my YEARNING for men to love me and make me feel safe. Not surprisingly,
I found myself in relationships that were not necessarily for my highest or best. In reality I was repeating an old pattern of keeping the illusion alive. Once I recognized this I was able to honor the loss and the yearning and put it away for good. I realized that I had always made excuses for my father’s erratic behavior (he was dying of cancer) since I have a tendency to see people in their highest self.
Even with all my healing, this pattern of yearning was deeply embedded in my cells. Intellectually I was aware, but it was only when I got to the core of the matter that I fully and completely identified and released this behavior from my body and soul. I feel like I dropped a huge mass that was lodged inside me. I graciously thank everyone who contributed to this process of this huge release……
So many of us know what surviving looks like but how many of us know what thriving looks like? How would we get there? What do we need to say? What do we need to do in order to make thriving our new program, our new belief system? That’s a really good question. I was on a phone the other day doing a session and we talked about the fact that she knew very well, as I do, what surviving looked like. I asked her to have the courage to go deep within, get quiet, and identify what it feels like to thrive. How does it “sit” in your body? I asked her if this is what she wanted to put out to the universe. If you want to change your cellular makeup, you must relinquish your old belief patterns and start seeing yourself as a “thriver” not a survivor. Giving up the survivor story takes courage and determination. You have to trust that you can be more than what you have always been; that there is a bigger purpose and you will get there. It takes work and perseverance, but it is worth it! Go for it!
So what does it feel like to truly love someone, truly feel the “other” resonate deeply in your soul and yet, at the same time, be fully aware that this is not meant to be a beloved relationship in this lifetime? The fact is, the feelings I am experiencing are simply an opportunity for completion of a past life journey. The tug to be with him is stronger than my mind, my logic or common sense. It is an energy that propels me towards completion and my mind does not interfere. Anyone ever experience this phenomenon?
I know a man who resonates deeply in the core of me. It’s not about falling in love-it’s pure unconditional love that I feel for this particular person. It’s been a confusing journey. I know he isn’t my beloved partner (in this lifetime) yet I love him and desire him. What I am learning is just how powerful past life karma can be as well as how to embrace this beautiful opportunity to complete that which wasn’t completed before. I am taking the time to finish what needs to be finished so I can move on with grace and stay true to my path. As I continue to be shown clarity, I am better able to “learn and discern”.
In order for me to do this, I must reside completely in “my higher self” otherwise I would personalize the situation, which would cause pain. This is not a journey for the mind, ego or personality! It is a journey for the pure hearted. It’s not about me or the “other” in this lifetime-it is about the bleed thru from our life together in a previous time.
I have been gifted a grand opportunity to work through unresolved core issues by meeting this man. How grateful am I.
By staying in our microscopic truth we are better able to discern who shows up for resolution-a vehicle for completion- or as our beloved partner in this lifetime. It is all about learning and boy what a learning and healing experience this has been! So much gratitude for that special man who showed up at the perfect time!
I had a wonderful time last night speaking at the Ray of Healing Church in Falls Church VA.The topic was on Witnessing the Joy of Healing: Sitting in a Place of Joy and Gratitude. I spoke about relinquishing past trauma’s and drama’s and allowing one’s self to open to a world of health and wellness. I shared my personal journey with hopes that it will ignite a spark in someone else to heal whatever pain/suffering that remains deeply imbedded in their cellular makeup.
It’s about listening to the deepest part of your soul. Your soul always knows the truth of who you are. It’s the personality self that gives us trouble and makes life complicated. It is human nature to experience suffering in our lives. We make decisions based on what we “think” we’re in control of and what we’re not. The reality is we’re in control of everything. You simply have to know you are the co-creator of your life. I had the opportunity of learning this firsthand. Just listen to your heart and follow your inner wisdom and watch grace step in and the path to wellness unfold.