
Healing: A Metaphysical Experience

Healing was a metaphysical experience for me. After 18 surgeries and 40 years of carrying a medical diagnosis I stepped into the realm of metaphysics and spirituality. I had exhausted the medical field. There was nothing more “they” could do. The greatest shift happened when my hand surgeon advised me to stop working as an occupational therapist and I entered the dark night of the soul. It was the most difficult decision I had to make. I needed my work. It helped me to feel whole and productive. It always brings a smile to my face when I think, in retrospect, how strange it was that I was guided into a field that uses hands as the primary modality of healing.  I did not have very functional hands at the time and yet I practiced OT for almost 25 years. It wasn’t easy.

Today it all makes sense.

When I stepped outside the box and started to engage in metaphysics and energy healing I began to learn about the higher self, spirit guides and angels.

I was a clinician. I hadn’t a clue what energy, metaphysics, alternative healing was about or how it would help me on my path. All I knew was I made a decision to open fully and completely and trust it was showing up for a reason. I felt driven to understand this higher realm and soon I realized I had been guided by this energy all along.  I began to acknowledge there was a purpose to all the suffering I had endured. This gave me hope. The readers and healers I met along the path encouraged me to believe in myself and trust there was a higher purpose.

I listened. I allowed. I became more aware of everything around me. I began to feel the energy shifts in me. I started to decode the messages. I listened and learned how to love that small voice deep within.

These messages brought me hope that change and healing was possible as well as a deep understanding of the importance the dis-ease played in the larger picture. This is what eventually allowed me to step fully into my life’s purpose.

Today, I recognize the dis-ease did indeed give me the courage to survive, and then later, thrive. Today, I sit with gratitude for these experiences which led me to show up in my life as I am today, fully seen, fully heard and fully present. That’s a gift.



Trust is the Name of the Game

I am a woman who, through trust in inner sources of love and acceptance, has transcended a crippling and supposedly fatal disease to achieve complete health and wholeness. Throughout most of my life, I suffered from Anterior Horn Cell disease, a progressive, degenerative neurological condition originating in the gray matter of the spinal cord, which doctors told me would leave me completely crippled by age twenty-five and end my life by forty. Physically, this meant I was locked inside a body slowly collapsing inward, losing muscle mass in my arms and pulling the tendons of my hands into the shape of claws. After eighteen surgeries, I made a decision to step out of the medical box and explore energetic healing modalities. I was guided through that experience by remarkable healers. I understood the possibility of healing lies in the psyche and takes root where disunion between mind and body ceases to exist. Many others who face physical challenges stemming from emotional injury, as I did, might recognize themselves in my story.

One of my initial healing experiences was with Jon, who became a healer refusing to believe doctors who predicted he would be a paraplegic following an accident, and who healed himself through the practice of Qigong, a powerful Chinese system of energy medicine. He told me that my spine looked like a train wreck. Apparently I had suffered an injury to my brain when I was around five years old, which was likely the cause of the ongoing problems with my hands. My first healing session with him ultimately led to me to believe that the disease located in my spinal cord wasn’t what the doctors had said it was. And rather, it had to do with deep-seated issues of abandonment and fear. And the healing messages were clear: as I healed my soul, I would heal the phenomenon with me that had caused my hands to shut down. Jon also told me that I would not only heal but I would bring healing to others.

At the beginning of our next session, Jon asked me what I wanted to do in my life. He suggested I keep the door open to all opportunities, even those I hadn’t considered. After the session he asked me a great question: “What are you going to do to open the door?  Let the universe know you want to serve others, and it will happen. Just open the door, and stop trying to figure everything out rationally. In other words, get out of your head.”

(Excerpt from Unlocking the Invisible Child: A Journey from Heartbreak to Bliss by Laura Mayer, copyright 2012)


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Re-Writing Your Story

Does your original story fit you? Are you ready to re-define yourself and show up the way you want to-not in the way society, parents, teachers, etc want you to? Do you have the courage to open to the truth without judgment, hold the wisdom, balance, and passion necessary to get to the core of it all? Only then can you melt away the years of untold stories, untold pain, and let the fire inside reignite, using the energy to propel you forward one step at a time so you may live the life you so desire. This process isn’t easy-but it’s real.

What does YOUR truth look like? Ask yourself, “Who am I? What do I want?” Can you identify the qualities that make you shine, bring you joy?

Everyday I am a witness to people’s struggle in letting go of the old and allowing space for the new. It’s about having the courage and patience to re-define who you are.

Everyone has the capability to do this.

If you are not comfortable living the story you’ve been living up to now than you are ready to re-write it? We all have a story-it starts at birth. When we feel the separation from our authentic self we know intuitively it’s time to drop the old. Give yourself the permission to take a healing journey within. Be still-intuitively tap in and identify who you are and what’s keeping you stuck. I know all too well it’s never to late to be the person you want to be.
Most of all enjoy the journey. It’s a journey to freedom.

For additional information on this subject see my new workshop Unlocking the Invisible Child A Healing Workshop.

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It’s All About Trust

Occasionally I still wonder what will really happen in my life? Will I really get what I so desire and know that I deserve. I guess we all go through ”human” doubt. Yes, we are human-no mater how spiritual we are –we are still human. That is the doubt that gets in the way.  So for me it always gets back to the issue of trust-trusting in something bigger than myself that is propelling me forward.

It is about the “knowing” that I am aligned with my higher purpose. That always centers and grounds me.  I remember having a discussion with my 21-year-old son who said so clearly that he knew exactly what his mission was and if he couldn’t do that he didn’t need to be alive.

I was surprised yet completely understood. When you become clear with what your life purpose is nothing can hold you back. That doesn’t suggest it will be easy-but you will be propelled forward on your path by the energy.

So what if you don’t know your higher purpose? That’s okay too. Trust if you open to the universe and ask you WILL get a response.



The Cord that Binds Us

I spent my whole life wanting my mother to love me. In my healing I no longer NEED her to do anything. Oh yes, it would be wonderful for her to be kind loving and gracious – but the need has disappeared. Now, I just honor and respect who she is without any attachment to my needs.

I wrote this in my journal in December when I was going through some major healing around my mother-yet another time. Today, I’m able to see the difference between what I felt only a few months ago and what I feel today. The energy is gone. The energy around her is completely gone. What I mean by this is the old energy of need, desire, begging for something that can’t happen. Gone…

I feel peaceful as a result. I feel a sense of completion. I know that I have worked through the energetic patterns that continued to “show up.” I realized it was me that insisted I continue to be present, even though she did not appear to care. I gave her my promise a year ago I would be here for here no matter what and I was going to honor that. Today I recognized the need was all mine. This was my healing process. All I can do is be present to my healing process. My mother has her own process. It’s for me to respect her timing, and to understand and appreciate her healing is just that, “her healing,” With that understanding her process no longer interferes with mine in any way

That’s complete freedom. As a result I feel lighter and at ease.

It has been a steady process of release-slowly, consciously and with complete honesty within myself. I asked myself in every situation, “How is this was affecting me?” I never put any blame or felt anger. I learned long ago it’s never about the other and that has been the greatest teaching I’ve received to date.

It is never about the other-always about the self. Others show up as true mirrors for leaning and ascension…. Hallelujah!

In my book, Unlocking the Invisible Child, and UIC workshops/individual sessions, I speak to the process of letting go of old patterns that no longer serve you to restore complete health and wellness. Below is an exercise from the workshop.

Think about someone that you have a similar experience with.
Acknowledge it’s not about (person’s name)
Acknowledge it’s about releasing the energetic pattern of this belief (identify the belief)

Identify the person that has come into your world to help you to release the energetic pattern still residing deep within.It is then you will be able let go of any hurt and be grateful that they are/have been in your life.

That’s Healing!


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To the Root of the Matter

Most of us are waking up to the fact that our psychological/emotional and physical well-being are interconnected. We’ve also become aware that if we’re not living a life of meaning and purpose we’re indeed missing out on something.

So I ask?

“Does dis-ease manifest on a physical level when our soul has nowhere else to go?” Those who’ve read my book know that’s the message in Unlocking the Invisible Child: A Journey from Heartbreak to Bliss. I knew (my soul knew) very young that I wasn’t being seen the way I needed to be seen so I be-came dis-eased.

The belief that we can alter the chemistry of our cells by changing the way we emotionally feel about ourselves has been documented in the bestselling works of Louise Hay, Bruce Lipton, Ph.D., Gregg Braden, and Joe Dispenza, D.C., among others.

So let’s look at that. Ask yourself, “What doesn’t feel right? Am I living my heart desires?”  Do I know my life’s purpose? Am I living someone else’s dream and not mine?

In my practice (and all around me) I witness many people burdened with sadness/sorrow when it comes to a situation(s) in their lives. They share their physical aches and pains without a deeper understanding or awareness of the root cause. Sometimes it’s a major health issue that arises, bringing forth tremendous fear and confusion. Why now?  Is this physical manifestation a result of your authentic self feeling lost, unsure, conflicted? Is this indeed a “wake-up call” for you to take care of your heart and soul? I believe these issues rise to the surface for understanding and clearance.

We have the potential to rid ourselves of anything that no longer serves us, be it emotional/physical, by healing the residue left behind in our heart space. If we continue to hold onto old belief patterns and behaviors, they will just linger and block us from moving forward on our path.

Take a minute and identify what it is you really desire. See whether you can connect the dots between how you feel physically and how you feel emotionally/psychologically. Is there a connection? If so, great! Now you know it’s time to reach very deep into the source of the energetic dis-ease and release, release, release. That is what freedom looks like.

Our well-being has nothing to do with how we look on the outside.  Healing is a deep internal experience. Soul-deep.

This Hurtful Moment

January 21st


Written by: Laura No Comments

I have a chapter titled This Magic Moment in my book. This blog is about This Hurtful Moment. I would like to share this moment with you. As some of you know I recently launched my book,Unlocking the Invisible Child: A Journey from Heartbreak to Bliss for purchase on Amazon, Barnes & Noble and some other sources. In all my new author excitement I visited to see how the book looked.  That’s when I fell into momentary despair.

Along with the book’s description were two awful reviews by people who recently purchased the book. I was shocked! Don’t get me wrong, I don’t expect everyone to like the book, it was the fact that people were so hurtful and nasty. At that moment it became crystal clear that I had indeed put myself out there for anyone’s attack or insult.

My first response was to feel sad that people could be so hurtful! Interestingly I never got angry, just sad. I tried to figure out why and thought,  “OMG, what if no one likes this book after all.”

WOW! That was interesting since I’m so clear why I wrote this book with out one iota of doubt. I went there despite myself.

I am aware and recognize that certain people might get triggered from my truth and my conjecture, presented clearly and honestly in the text. I spent hours processing and inviting my spiritual friends to help me discern the deepest meaning to their actions.

And then I got it! I recognized that this was indeed a recapitulation of past events when I felt there was no space for me to respond. Let me explain. When I read the hurtful reviews I wanted to ask them why they felt that way, what was being stirred in them. I wanted the opportunity to dialogue with them and I couldn’t. That’s what came up for me. It wasn’t about the review-I’m a big girl. I know the book isn’t for everyone-only those who are open minded and willing to do a soul excavation as part of the deep healing process.

The hurtful moment was a reminder of when I was invisible. Once I acknowledged this, I dropped the sadness and more importantly, I stopped taking it personally. As an author, I chose to show up in all my vulnerability. I chose to be an open book to empower others to open and become visible. What others choose to do with it is about them, not me.

This is what I believe, “If you know yourself nothing can threaten the core of that knowing. The only place I reside is in complete transparency so others will KNOW me as I know me.”

 In retrospect, this hurtful moment was another grand opportunity for me to see what lies within, heal it, and stay aligned in my greater knowing. This is what we are responsible for if we’re going to continue to ride the waves of higher awareness and live from our heart center.

I encourage everyone to look for these opportunities and continue to ask yourselves,  “What am I to learn here?  What is being triggered, pulled up and out for my higher awareness?

That’s when “This Hurtful Moment” shifts to “This Magic Moment.”

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I’m currently witnessing on a daily basis what it means to undergo Stem Cell Transplant with someone very close to me.

Although the process is quite grueling and extensive, I’d like to share with you a lighter moment. One (1) day post transplant, I went to the hospital to visit and noticed two bags and a bottle hanging from the IV pole. I knew it wasn’t the chemotherapy because that part of the regimen was completed before the transplant.

Out of sheer curiosity I asked her what they were. She replied, one bag was an antibiotic, the second an anti-viral and the bottle was an anti-rejection. The anti-rejection liquid is to keep the patient’s cells from rejecting the donor’s cells.

My immediate reaction was, wow, everyone should have one of those at birth and just quietly chuckled to myself.  My mind decided to have some fun. I thought when we are born we are swaddled in a newborn baby blanket, given a cap for our small precious heads and put into a small bassinet.

Wouldn’t it be great if we all had an anti-rejection bottle as well,  possibly warding off any rejection that might come our way!

I wonder where those bottles are sold!!  JK

Neither of us could resist the irony in that.



The Art of Triggers

Definition of trg-ger: a noun-stimulus for change, signal for starting operation. a transitive verb-make something happen, set something in motion


Do you view triggers as a growth opportunity? How do you shift out of your mind and into your heart, sending an invitation to the triggers fostering growth and deeper awareness?

That’s what this blog is about.

I recognize all to well the pain of triggers. Yes, they bring up painful stored memories held deep within our cellular makeup and they rise to the surface for a reason. So be aware and listen. Listen closely to the messages being brought to you.

Oh how peaceful it can be if we were to view EVERY emotional/physical trigger we experience as playing an essential role in our growth and transformation. It’s not whether we are triggered (by people and/or events); it’s what we do with it that counts.

So ask yourself, “What triggers you and how can they assist you along the healing path? How can you learn to view them as openings for deeper learning and wisdom?”

A trigger is a gift, an opportunity, a choice point presented to your soul. How we transmute the energy of TRIGGERS from pain into a positive experience is our choice.


I personally was triggered quite a bit around the portal opening of 11:11:11. No surprise I guess. It’s a time of deeper expansion and awareness, an opening to a harmonious place within, while remaining grounded and entrained as the world spins with a new energy. My trigger was around an old wound of not being appreciated or valued. I trust that each opportunity is simply another chance to go deeper and release whatever fragments of a belief system still remains.  As I released this feeling from my core, I felt an energetic shift occur.

It’s become quite obvious for me (as I have acknowledged in many of my blogs to date) that with each experience or tsunami, swirl, eruption, however you care to label it-always-without fail-brings me to a higher level of awareness. For this I am grateful. For this I welcome in whatever needs to come in so I continue to open wider and wider and live in my highest self.

The morning following this release I woke up feeling a sense of calmness, almost blissfull, and I saw an image of a PAUSE sign in front of me. It was a reminder for me to relax and allow the Universe to provide.

That is exactly what I did. I relaxed.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!



With Heart-Felt Gratitude-I Say Thank You

Today is a day for saying thank you! Today is not so different then any other day. Since I began my healing path I have been living in a state of gratitude and thanks for all I have and continue to receive.

So on this Thanksgiving Day, I’d like to send one HUGE thank you to all the gentle people who have shown up in my life, supporting, loving and honoring me on my path. With your support I was able to heal for real and am now able to bring my gift forward and encourage others to heal as well.

With Heart-Felt Gratitude-I Say Thank You

As I sit here writing, I feel my expansive heart, filled with joy and gratitude knowing how my clients allow me as a vessel to enter their sacred space with such trust and vulnerability. I recognize how courageous they are, and how much tenacity it takes, to love yourself to health and wellness. I feel blessed and honored to be part of your process.

With Heart-Felt Gratitude-I Say Thank You

Thank you my beloved friends who continue to support me in so many ways. Your unconditional love, encouragement, and faith in me, and my path, has been the most precious gift a person can receive.

With Heart-Felt Gratitude-I Say Thank You

With deepest gratitude, thank you to the angels who encouraged me to have a voice, to speak up, and share my miraculous story so that others will trust that they too have the power to completely transform their lives.

With Heart-Felt Gratitude-I Say Thank You

To everyone,

Have a beautiful, joyful Thanksgiving Day!!



Staying In Tune

Without a doubt we’re in a time of huge transformation. I personally feel the energy swirling around me, being prompted to stay grounded and centered. Not so easy, is it!  It feels like a roller coaster ride.

I’m witnessing to my own heightened awareness, almost on alert to stay present, clear and centered, as I, once again, move through major changes in my life. In acknowledging and addressing the feelings being triggered, I’m (much quicker than in the past) able to release them from my mind, body and soul. My process is as follows: I feel it; release it through crying, physical activity or sharing with a conscious friend, acknowledge the learning and then thank the Universe for another opportunity to clear and heal.

I’m moving through lots of changes. I’m in the midst of finalizing my book, Unlocking the Invisible Child: A Journey from Heartbreak to Bliss, as my mother begins a stem cell transplant for her cancer. These experiences are triggering me, bringing feelings to the surface for my attention: My history, my relationships, where am I to live, and with whom I am to be with, are all up in the air. Only the Universe knows for sure. I certainly do not.

So I sit in that “uncertainty” and once again recognize that all I can do is reside in a place of complete trust. Isn’t that my new way of life. I KNOW the Universe knows for sure and that inner knowing reassures me that all is well.

I am not alone. Many of us are shifting into a higher place- a place that feels unknown and unpredictable. It’s a leap of faith putting our hands into the hands of the Universes’ and release the temptation to know the details of the future. Of course, by staying present, opening and doing our share of the work, we are sending the message to the Universe, “Yes, we understand our life plan, and we’re on board.”

When I see clients I hear their concerns, their plea to heal and to release their baggage.  We all have baggage. It’s takes a courageous person to recognize that baggage needs to be released. I honor each of you as you journey through this process. It’s in that very knowing that shift happens. Never underestimate your level of awareness.


With 2011 coming to an end and as we bring in 2012, may we remember to stay focused on our heart’s desire and how we wish to show up in the world.

Ask yourself these heartfelt questions:

Who am I?  What is my soul ‘s purpose? How do I want to live my life, now? What brings me the greatest joy?

I know when I AM in my joy-I bring joy to the world.

What can be better than that!



Inner Child Excavation

In my practice of Soul Memory Discovery my clients and I identify early childhood “traumas and dramas” that remain embedded in the cellular makeup. We also identify the age and body part (or chakra) the memory is stored in and then energetically release these memories so they no longer interfere or hinder spiritual growth.

It always amazes me how clear and exacting the process is. It’s almost foolproof. At this point, the “work” is what I call an excavation of the soul-inner child work on an energetic level, which is deep and powerful. Together we journey to the core and pull up the feelings that remain locked in the cells causing dis-comfort or dis-ease. Whether the client’s manifestations are physical, emotional, or spiritual, they all agree on one thing-there’s an energetic root to their feelings and actions requiring further exploration.

My own personal experience validates this and my book, “Unlocking the Invisible Child: A Journey From Heartbreak to Bliss, speaks directly to it.

When I began to do inner child work on an energetic level, I physically (on a vibrational level) felt the intensity of these events. I always knew I had feelings around certain traumatic events in my life, but never realized the depth of pain I continued to carry within. This was a huge part of my transformation and healing.

As I openned to the healing process, I wrote a poem that helped me to voice out loud a willingness to release any residue of those childhood traumas and dramas and reclaim my life as an adult. I would like to share this poem with you in hopes that it will help you to empower yourself,  reclaim your child and be a joyful adult.

“Little Laura”

Oh my sweet little Laura

so much fear you carry within.

Older Laura understands

why you are hiding out……….

never quite sure of where you are……..

never quite sure of the fit……….

never belonging………..

afraid to belong………

never sure if it is real………..

not knowing who you are………..

and the feelings that move you so deep inside.

The longings for tenderness and loving-kindness

the desire for touch and passion.

The fear of touch and closeness

all spun together in a tangled image

of wants and desires.

So lost in a world of ungraciousness and fear.

Not wanting to call it home-

and yet not quite knowing how to move on.

Little Laura, come out- it is safe

I will caress and sooth you

as a mother would.

I will love you and comfort you my little one

and hold you with gentle tenderness

as I sing to you

and together we will feel the

“letting go” of this burden.





Of late I have been witnessing everyone around me experiencing major choice points in their lives. I see this in clients, friends and family. It’s clearly a time for the Universe to test us, making sure we are track with our divine plan.

I myself was riding quite a few waves-actually it felt more like tsunamis. During this time, I had an overwhelming desire to be still and listen deeply to my inner voice. The overall theme for me was discernment.

As I now enter the next chapter of my life I know I am to stand tall in my vision, clarity and desire. It’s indeed another grand opportunity to stay centered in my highest knowing. My book,Unlocking the Invisible Child: A Journey from Heartbreak to Bliss, is close to publication and I know I will be challenged to show up differently than before. People will ask me to do it their way and it’s for me to stay in my integrity and align myself with my soul knowing-nobody else’s. This process of discernment has allowed me to separate the now and past life bleed-thru, helped me to identify the friends and colleagues that I choose to play with and make decisions that is for my highest and best.

The greatest gift we can give ourselves in discerning what is ours and what is not. All we have to do is get quiet, give space to the unfolding, and listen, listen, listen, to our heart song. We will be given many opportunities for this clearing process to occur and for that I am truly grateful.



The Importance of Grieving Past Life Bleed-Thru

I recently experienced another opportunity to engage in cellular clearing by grieving a very strong past life-bleed through. Until a few weeks ago I wasn’t even aware how deeply I “held onto” feelings concerning a particular person in my life, and how the energetics of a past life continued to govern how I showed up in the present moment. He was deeply imbedded in my cellular make-up. When I met him, I immediately knew we had a past-life connection (actually many past lives) but it was this particular lifetime that continued to hold a charge. When I first did some Soul Memory Discovery to understand this dynamic, it was clear that this lifetime I was to walk away from him, but never quite understood what that really looked liked. We clearly came together to heal what was unfinished.

A year ago I woke up in the middle of the night in tears after having a vision of this man dying in my arms. I knew I had absolutely no power to save him. My beloved was gone. It was clear from the energetic intensity that we had a strong, loving relationship and it was a terrible loss for me.

In time, it became more apparent how deep the cellular connection actually was and how I never fully grieved the loss. I decided it was time to “go back in,” fully discover what was lingering and what it really meant to walk away.

In this new awareness, I grieved the loss-deeply grieved the loss on a gut level, crying from my heart as if he had died in my arms today. I recited the customary prayer in the Jewish religion and literally “buried” him, visioning myself shoveling dirt upon his coffin. It was uncanny how real it felt.

With this clearing I removed any cords and old energetic “attachment” that remained from this lifetime. I recognized the message about walking away was indeed about leaving behind the bleed-thru of hurt, guilt, pain and grief, not literally from him. This clearing opened the door to be present to the relationship we have today. In doing this work, I’ve set myself free to love and honor him and myself.

It’s so important to clear old business, what we call past life bleed-thru and live in the is-ness of what’s here now. No one needs to carry extra baggage that no longer serves us on any level.

It’s been a few weeks since this experience and the turn-around is remarkable. I am grateful I was guided to complete this process.



The Truth of Who We Are

I would like to share a writing done by Ben, age 22. Knowingly, he has been on the spiritual path for about five years. As a seeker, he continues to expand his consciousness so he may live his hearts desire and soul purpose. I found his writing heartfelt and courageous and I believe his words will resonate with others, young and old.  Ben has given me permission to post it on this site.

“I finally can see the way it’s always been, the need for peace starts from within.”

Only now do I understand that there is no job for me. Only now do I understand the difference between quitting and giving up. I need to share my story with honor and integrity. The real story.I want to be real for all the lost souls who need something real.

I also know that there is a certain responsibility that I will have to take on in this world, as I truly learn to leave my entitlement behind . I want to be one with the things around me who bring me love. I want to show them that this world was here before us, that we are only here now, and that is something to be grateful for.

I never want to hurt anyone or think that anyone is mine.

Love is divine, and I am not. I need to leave it up to the divine to choose who comes into my life.I don’t want to throw stones against the wind. I want the wind to guide me through the beauty of nature that’s here for me, as I take it in with my heart, not my mind. I want to be superior to no one, because there is no one who can’t shine light on me.

My mother and my father represent the people who gave me the opportunity to have wisdom through experience, so I need to have the wisdom to love them back. I never want to be alone because there is too much love to share.

War is not the answer because babies cannot fight one another.

I want to share my story because I need to let it go. I need to share my story because it gives me purpose, the same purpose that we all share-to let each other know that we are one, that we can help and love one another.

I now know that I cannot change the world, but I can inspire others to want to make a change from within. I now know the only thing I can change is the way I share love with others, because I have now changed the way I love myself. I want to share my freedom with everyone that wants to hear it, see it, and feel it, because it isn’t mine, because my freedom is free as well.

I’m going to love this life the way a tree loves the rain, and I’m going to love this life with a fire deep inside of me, like the fire that the sun creates for the sand. I recognize that the ones who love me never mean to hurt me, but only to teach me that the love I hold onto can expand.

 But more importantly, I must use this wisdom, this power of love, and know never to be afraid of anything but the true soul that I am, and that will be the greatest gift of freedom a free man can receive.

Ben  Duffy

Age 22



Transmuting Old Energy

Once again I was given an amazing opportunity to transmute the energy of suffering into joy and gratitude.

At the age of twenty-five my thumbs became paralyzed. As part of reconstructive hand surgeries, thirteen years ago my surgeon placed a wire in the second joint of my right thumb, fusing the bone, stabilizing my finger into a position which would allow me to have a better “grip” while using a pencil or fork.

Over the past few years I’ve had a bump on the incision line.  At first it wasn’t painful and physicians thought it was a cyst or a wart and three times I had the bump removed only to resurface again.

In the past year as it became increasingly painful and irritating, I knew it was time to take it to the next step.  For me this was not a coincidence.  I put the pieces together.

My personal belief was that the wire, deeply embedded, holding my thumb in a locked position, was asking to be set free from any external/internal binding.  Further more, on an etheric level, I believe I am asking the Universe for clearance of any restriction in my thumb so it’s given the opportunity to move naturally.

With this belief in place, I visited my hand surgeon who confirmed through an x-ray that the wire was directly below the site and causing irritation.  With the assistance of his colleague in Northern Virginia, I was able to make an appointment to have the wire removed.

Last Wednesday my friend drove me to the hospital to have the wire removed.  The hand surgeon said the knot in the wire had broken off thus causing the problem. Bingo!  The wire is now removed.

This is not why I wanted to blog this experience. All of the above was simply to provide background information. What I would like to do is share the emotional process for me.

I arrived at the hospital for the procedure- an environment very familiar to me. I put on the gown and the blue cap on my head and laid there for an hour before they rolled me into the OR. Doctors and nurses come by, ask questions, and left me alone to rest. I lay there as memories danced inside my head. I actually traveled back to my very first experience in the operating room- 1971- as the loneliness and fear I felt then bubbled to the surface.  This time I was light and joyful and having fun looking at the changes in the hospital gown itself.

At that moment I recognized the choice I had-to suffer or not to suffer.  Now this has nothing to do with actual pain.  Of course it would be painful-the doctor was digging into my bone and removing a foreign object.

Suffering is so different from pain.  That day it became apparent to me how for so long I had been attached to the suffering and stories of my past.  It was an illuminating moment for me.  I honored myself for the stories I needed to hold onto then and acknowledged how I transcended that energy as a result of my healing.

I felt blessed and full of gratitude that I was given another opportunity to witness the old vibrational pattern and embrace the new. No stories, no feeling sorry for myself, no need for attention.-just the relatively simple removal of what no longer serves me (the wire) and move on with my life. Simple and sweet.

An hour later I left the recovery room with a smile on my face and a song in my heart.



Peaceful Heart

Definition of SEQUELA

1. an aftereffect of disease, condition, or injury

2. a secondary result

Although my hands may have sequela of the physical dis-ease

my heart does not!

It is about the energetic source not the physical manifestation.

I learned the word sequela when I was studying occupational therapy-it’s a medical term.  I have always liked the word-not sure why-but I did. Now I understand.

Today, I look at my arms, my hands, and I’m reminded of a dis-ease which manifested in physical form. I SEE it clearly. I have the sequela of bone fusions and rigged up tendons in my upper extremities as a result of 15 reconstructive tendon transfers. I have atrophied muscles in my lower arms and hands. Everyday I am reminded of what my journey was about.  I’m not sure if this will change as I continue my healing path. I’m not even sure it matters anymore. It use to matter-big time. When I started my healing process all I wanted was to have “normal” hands…..

When I realized the healing was in my heart I dropped the need to have “normal” hands and reveled in the gift of a healed heart.. Nothing else really matters. I know I am healed and perfect just the way I am. There is no hiding, no fear, no intrepidation about being fully present. I AM who I AM and I live in gratitude and joy for the remarkable change that occured in this lifetime-physically, emotionally and spiritually.

The GIFT is to live with a peaceful and joyous heart and truly love the beautiful being you are from the inside-out.



Looking Outside the Box

Yesterday, while attending a meeting for holistic health providers in Westchester County, New York, I met two wonderful people.  Scott and Patricia are making a documentary on patients with A.L.S. (Lou Gehrig’s disease).  This disease is very close to my heart-it was tossed around as a differential diagnosis when I was a teenager. Many years later as an occupational therapist, I treated several patients with the disease. These patient’s were a mirror for me: since at that time, their prognosis was my prognosis.

As I viewed the documentary my eyes filled with tears and triumph for those courageous people who are willing to look outside the box and explore alternatives. These patients believed that they had to “do something” to regain some control over their lives. They began to look for alternative ways to live with A.L.S. They were not going to settle. This simply wasn’t good enough. I know the story well. When I exhausted the medical world I had two choices: open to alternative healing methodologies or be disabled the rest of my life.

Isn’t it about time we take back our personal power and reclaim our lives? I believe we have that ability. How can I not? We begin by living consciously, being fully aware of what we do-the food we eat, where we live, our relationships, how we show up, how we re-act to triggers and stressful situations, and free ourselves from childhood traumas and dramas. Most of all we have to love ourselves enough and believe we deserve to live the life we want. That’s why the first line of my upcoming book, Unlocking the Invisible Child: A Journey from Heartbreak to Bliss, is having the courage to love yourself enough.

When we love ourselves enough we send the message out in the Universe that we deserve to be here. When we live from that knowing we can effect change. I bless every individual who has the courage to believe in him or herself and make that change. It is not easy-it’s a journey that takes tremendous tenacity, courage and trust in the unknown. But it’s worth the ride-I am a witness to that process.

By making the shift you have bestowed a tremendous gift upon yourself. You have begun to empower yourself and listen to your “soul dance”-not someone else’s.

It’s always our choice to be co-creators of our destiny. Keep in mind that healing shows up in many ways. I have learned from my own story, healing my heart was first and foremost.  My physical vessel would not of healed if my heart didn’t heal first.

That much I know!


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Getting Out of the Way

Isn’t it time to get out of the way and empower ourselves without the need to disempower others. When we make decisions for someone else, or judge someone else’s decision, than we are in fact disempowering them. I have learned how important it is to allow everyone to live their truth even if it doesn’t resonate with me. Who am I to make judgment about another’s path? The reality is I only have control of mine.  And for me, this means everyone-including children, lovers, spouses, friends. I personaly believe we do more damage than good to our self and the other if we get in someone else’s way.

So I ask myself, what’s the energetic root behind my behavior or actions? How pure is it? Are these behaviors and actions representing my own need rather than the need of the other? The truest form of compassion entails allowing the other to be their authentic self.

With children, sometimes we truly believe we are offering guidance and parenting when, in fact, we may be squelching the child’s gifts and authenticity by BELIEVING we know better. I have learned how important it is to stand back and witness our “children” in THEIR truest form.  The question to ask is “are we simply transferring our needs onto them, insisting our knowing is better than theirs.” We must discern what is OURS and what is THEIRS.  Of course this doesn’t mean not to parent-it means to parent consciously.

Loving your child, offering support and boundaries is all we really need to do. Making them live with our rigid old paradigm  will not serve the children of today. In fact, it serves no one.

With our lovers, spouses and friends it is the same. We spend so much time trying to control their behavior as if it is a direct reflection of self. Or maybe because we have been brought up to lay blame elsewhere. The more we cherish these relationships as a mirror of ourselves, the more each person becomes authentic in their being-ness.

So free yourself and everyone else you know- let go and get out of the way. Then sit back and watch relationships thrive.

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Heal Yourself-Heal the World

Everyone’s talking about healing the world-everyone!

How important it is to be in the process of healing ourselves before we can bring pure healing energy to the world.  We always bring “ourselves” to everything we do. If we are still entangled with emotions that project negative energy, than we will bring negative energy everywhere we go.

When we are around someone driven by ego we can physically FEEL their hurt inner child spilling out, needing love and gentleness to surround them, making them feel safe.  All we need to do is reach out with love and compassion and know that’s where they’re residing.  The gift is that it also releases any emotional trigger from your hurt inner child as well.

So go inside and feel your energy-what are you projecting to the world? You will know. Once you know you will be able to change and be-come the softer, more divine energy you are meant to be.

In order to bring compassion, peace and healing to the world we live in, we must BE compassionate, peaceful and healed inside ourselves. We are our energy. Feel the vibration you are. Are you at peace? Are you at ease with yourself inside-out or is there a disconnect between your personality self and your divine self?

It’s simply about awareness and the willingness to let go of the drama of old energy and pain and move into the flow of pure divine energy and grace.

Yes, our world desperately needs healing. So let’s commit to our own healing!



Healing is Greater Than Anything Else

Healing is Greater Than Anything Else

I have begun to move from a place of sadness and suffering

To let go and trust in the universe:

To take the risk and do the journey;

To travel from a place of fear and loneliness

To a place of compassion and awareness;

To recognize that life will give me the necessary tools,

Providing me with mirrors to witness who I AM.

My body needs to heal from the inside out;

My body knows the truth.

It is the body that holds the suffering and injustices

Deep within my cells.

My body is tired of the charade of perfection

And is asking for my soul’s compassion to heal.

My body has had enough,

My being needs to heal.

As I continue to take the steps to empty and open,

I invite myself to reach out to others,

Those who may not be able to ask for my openheartedness.

With a depth of knowingness, I need to do this to heal,

And healing is greater than anything else.

